Wednesday, October 19

EBay Auctioned Dmoz Editorship

For long time there was a lot of speculation going on about the corruption of dmoz editors, but its first open example came on 18th Oct when a dmoz editor auctions his editorship of a dmoz category having a PR of 5. Ebay finally removed the thread after receiving lot of complaints regarding the same. But by the time thread was removed the bidding has touched $850.

Finally no doubt that getting in dmoz donnt means ur site need to be good and u should write meaningful descriptions, more than that one must have budget to bribe dmoz editors. Google still in its algorithm gives high weightage to dmoz and it seriously need to give a thought on that.

Some interesting points mentioned in the posting at EBay were...

8. What category is this editorship?
I'm sorry but you are bidding on a blind category with a Page Rank 5. If I mentioned which category it was for before receiving the money, the editorship might be revoked. Obviously it's not mortgages, adult, or gambling or I wouldn't be selling the editorship. However, it is a niche that has profitable keywords.

9. Can I make money as a DMOZ editor?
People understand that the DMOZ is corrupt and will often attempt to bribe you. When you are with a corporate client, you can easily charge $1,000 or more for a DMOZ listing. It is both that important and extremely difficult to get listed.

11. If a DMOZ editorship is so great, why are you selling it?
I own 3 category editorships with different logins. I’m only selling one of them.

Tuesday, October 18

Google Map Creates Tension In India

Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam expressed concern Saturday about a free mapping program from Google, warning it could help terrorists by providing satellite photos of potential targets. Google Earth, an Internet site launched in June this year, allows users to access overlapping satellite photos.

Tuesday, October 11

Google Trust Rank

Trust rank, a new technology Google search engine creates that makes searches more accurate and reliable. The new tool is being developed to replace the Google Page Rank technology, apparently due to be phased out soon. To get to grips with this change, let's get clued up on how employs its advanced search technology in order to provide information such as Page Rank and Trust Rank.

Page Rank Explained - the Google Page Rank uses a very complex technology capable of combining information of a wide link structure in the web with text-match techniques in order to bring results that match exactly what the user searches. The Page Rank algorithm is complex, but there can be said that the net result is based on the number of pages linked to your page. The Page Rank Google interprets each link leading to a specific page as a vote. Not only the number vote is evaluated but also the importance (Page Rank) of pages' count, so important pages make too other pages more important.

Trust Rank - the only problem about the Google Page Rank system is that it allows creation of some deluding webpages, created with the sole purpose of pointing to a single target page, to force a Page Rank increase somehow. Yet, some pages present several keywords hidden as invisible text, to appear earlier in query results. Based on such facts, the Trust Rank system will separate sites into two different groups: Trusted and Un-trusted. Google will also tag sites that employ any form of spam technique. As it would be completely impossible to review all content, Google will manually look at clusters, and then, tag sites that use some kind of spam techniques. Other sites that link to tagged sites will be punished as well. Whereas pages that steer clear from spam will be marked as trusted. Trusted sites linking to other trusted sites will increase their importance to Google, accordingly.

Whichever way Google will present the Trust Rank system or whether it will be visible on the Google Toolbar is yet to be known, but webmasters expect Google to give further information soon.